Instant Payday Network Day #20

This morning I was feeling some kind of way.   I checked my bank account and it looked thirsty….again.   Tomorrow is my birthday and I’m still broke, but in the worse way.   I’m living on credit.  😦   I went on the IPDN Facebook Group to get some advice on what I was doing wrong.   They were like, “you need to do video….”  I’m not really great at that….I suck at public speaking.   I can run my mouth and debate all I want too behind a computer screen, but when I have to do it face to face with real people, including video because it’s going out to real people masses, I freeze, stumble over my words, don’t articulate very well, go on random tangents….I mean I’m a mess.   That’s been one of the banes of my existence about myself.  I can’t for the life of me public speak to a crowd or to my camera. I avoid it like the plague. Realistically, I can’t keep running from it. I’m actually a fighter in other areas of my life, but in this one. Running away from things is tiring. Just gotta do what I gotta do. I have to force myself out of my comfort zone  and maybe I can overcome fear?    Carin, moderator of IPDN Facebook page, is a smart lady.  


No marketing.  2 people looked at my site.  

I couldn’t market today because I was at event all day today.       

Instant Payday Network Day #17

Boy, do I have a headache…..anyway, this will be short.   Sometimes, I feel like I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).   I went ad joined a different program…..Instant Downline Network.   Boy oh boy……I’m not going to elaborate on that experience as this blog is only for IPDN.   I didn’t do much advertising over the weekend.  I’m still trying to work on my new marketing strategy.   Somehow, I gained an opt-in yesterday despite not having done any marketing.  The coolest thing is that only three people visited my site yesterday.  Not much to you, but huge for me.  I really don’t need to do much, just drive traffic.  I did bend my rule, though, with the  no money budget for IPDN….I was going to wait until I got my first my cash freebies referral completion and use it towards completing my Double my cash freebies credit.    I paid for $1.99 trial offer on Double MyCash Freebies.   😦  My whole thing was if I can’t get a referral completion on my express cash freebies, how will I ever be able to do a Double my Cash Freebies referral completion.  I got a .50 point credit on Double.. I’m trying to figure out what other trial I should use to get the extra .50 credit.


Instant Payday Network Day #16

I decided that the post “Checkin’ my Stats” submitted yesterday is Instant Payday Network Day #15.   I didn’t have much of update other than my stats.   I did post one Craigslist ad locally yesterday using   🙂   Anyway, the point of this post is tell everyone who is a newbie at internet marketing to never give up.

Oh yeah, I wanted to post about this yesterday.  I forgot.   Anyway….

I was trolling on yesterday and decided to put in “Instant Payday Network Scam”.   There were a couple websites on that were doing the reverse psychology thing, casting Instant Payday Network in a negative light, then switch the tone of the article to recruit people under their name.   Yeah, that.   Then I came across, this dude.

He gave his honest opinion.  I disagreed with some of his points and stepped in to correct him.    My replies in there too.   My reply/rebuttal today is a continuation from yesterday, so it still counts as material to mention in this post.  He’s with Wealthy Affiliate.   I haven’t checked it out myself yet, but definitely employ you to go check it out.   They seem to be legit and offer a lot of perks to being a member, such 2 free websites…..that’s what I was told by another affiliate with Wealthy Affiliate.  Google them.   😛

Don’t give up.   When you feel like you can’t do it anymore, dig deep and push for a little bit more.    That’s how I conquered the Couch to 5K/3.1 miles running app challenge.

So I got this website link from the Instant Payday Network Facebook Group (if you haven’t joined and you’re with IPDN, need to get in it, they offer great support):  IBO Toolbox.   Since it is free, I hit it up.   Besides using it as a free masking & forwarding url tool, IBO toolbox has great content & resources from great internet marketers.

I came across Leroy Ross, who has a whole bunch of stars trailing his name.  Click.  Dude, he has a bunch of articles.   I tweeted just two of them as I don’t have enough time right now to go through all of them.   One was about Craigslist posting and free places to take advantage, for marketing.

I’ll share the other latter.   It does contain things where you have to pay for them, however, it’s a list worthy of checking out.

Instant Payday Network Update:   I had 6 unique visitors today and one opt-in.  No posts 🙂   I’ll be changing up my tactic tomorrow.  Ninja out.   I’ll blog about it tomorrow.


Checkin’ on the Stats.

Checkin' on the Stats.

In the middle of the day today, I checked out my stats on Instant Payday Network. I didn’t do anything, today, not even a craigslist post! I already have 12 unique visitors coming in. Crazy! Now I have to figure out how to multiply that by 1000. lol.

Instant Payday Network Day #14

So…I definitely fell off the posting wagon the last 3-4 days.   It was a bumpy weekend.   Everything is back to normal for the most part.  lol.  Anyway, earlier this morning,  I decided to amp up my Facebook presence.   I got into IPDN’s Likes for Likes.  And now I have 25 Likes!  All happened less than 24 hours ago!   I used to post a “tackk” on my local Craigslist and renewed two of my older posts.   I ran a 3-day twitter campaign on headliner….with free points.   🙂  I also had a person email me from an ad, asking me whether or not this is a scam or not.   The truth will set him/her free!

Update:  I had 20 unique visitors.   4 opt-ins.   Best opt-in # to date!

P.S.:  If you have two windows open for WordPress and you edit your post in one, you will not see it published.   Even though you may pushed the blue button “Published”, it won’t save or register the fact that you published it.  😦  Sad….I would have made it before 12am, if it weren’t for that meddling rule!

Instant Payday Network Day #11

Early this morning, I decided to join the official Instant Payday Network fan page on Facebook and Jeff Buchanan’s Limitless Opportunities group.   If you are in Instant Payday Network and you’re not in this group, you should join.   There are people who want to help you.  Though they’re not going to tell you how write your ads or the places that they post at, they are more than willing to share with you what strategies that they use to generate traffic.   I post my blog posts up there, inspirational word, but not much liking is going on.  I have one friend….that’s from a Empower Network group.   Anyway, the Limitless Opportunities groups has files chalk full of healthy information at your fingertips.  Take advantage of it, I know I am.   I think there is a like for like program there too.  I’m going to check it out.  I then I joined a bunch of “work at home” groups.    Just literally 10 minutes ago, I stumbled upon this thing called  I’m not sure what it is, but some guy/girl used it as his/her custom made splash page and it had 29 likes on it.   Something to look into.    

Update:   2 ads posted locally on Craigslist.   1 opt in….11 unique visitors.   Comparing yesterday to today, Backpage brought more views than my 2 ad Craigslist.   I don’t know if me posting on Monday had anything to do with it, but Backpage should be included in your marketing strategy. 

Instant Payday Network Day #8

Okay, so now I have to figure how to market both systems, Instant Payday Network and Empower Network. I wrote an Empower Network blog post here: about the experience I had logging into Empower Network this morning. The gist of it is overcoming yourself, basically reiterating what Wood said in the video that greeted me. I started posting my blog posts to Twitter and Facebook, hopefully that will garner a bit of traffic. Facebook does not accept Empower Network web addresses. I showed that I can’t count on Facebook, today, mislabeling the number of days in my title. I made a disturbing realization with buying domain names today. Don’t get the real cheap domain names, as they lack Private protection. That means your personal information, your name, address, phone number, and email address will be on full display in whois, the equivalent of the white pages. I don’t know about you, but I like to keep that information for my family and friends to have. And not some hacker/”list builder” to take and send me random stuff or hijack my email or something. I said to GoDaddy, “y’all need to cancel my domains out” (Yes, I got another one, just to mask the separate Instant Payday Network and Empower Network blogs). The way I looked at my phone for interrupting my money making mode, I was seriously considering not picking up the phone. I’m so glad that I did, and I got that particular GoDaddy representative. The first one didn’t tell me jack about my domain. Apparently, addresses ending with .us does not have the private protection option. It just doesn’t come with it at all, even if you ask for it. The positive is that my money will go back to my already starving account in the next 7-10 days. This whole thing kind of feels like gambling. I like to play the game safe and honest. I think I’ll end up using a url shortening service, for now until get some money in, where the service gives the websites that I’m dealing with random & shorter looking web addresses. I’ll just have to bite the bullet with the ads.

I’ll separate Empower Network and Instant Payday Network stuff, starting tomorrow, so I’ll save us both the headache.

Instant payday network update: Tonight, no ads or video. 3 opt ins today.

Instant Payday Network Day #7

The energy was great.  I opted into the Empower Network under the Big Idea Mastermind after the webinar. It ended at 11:30ish yesterday night. Vick was like, “I planned for 4 hours…”. I was like, “this should have been an hour and 1/2”. Time was of the essence, however. I had to finish up my Day #5 blog post, which sat unfinished on my web browser and I had a 20 minute countdown after I put it in my interest. I was almost done with the blog, so I put the finishing touches, but then I realized the clock beat me to 12am, a new day. A long overdrawn, “No” came out, but it was cut off by the remembrance of my countdown clock. Publish! By the time I paid $25 and got onto the other side, I had less than 3 minutes to join the Inner Circle. Why I was like freaking out, I don’t know. It was like how I imagine babies feel when they get pushed/taken out of the warm dark watery confinements of a womb and into harsh bright lights and oxygen, having no clue what’s going on. I was talking out loud to myself, “was I just set up?” Somehow, randomly clicking, I got into the inner circle. But then I didn’t see the 10k 30day challenge in the Inner Circle! I was obviously in the wrong place. So I go back to my email. I see an email from Vick Strizheus that my account has been created, but not activated. I was like, “huh? I was just over there….” It was there I realized Vick’s team and Empower Network HQ was not the same thing. So I clicked the link in the email and some box with a gradient fill and an arrow pointing down on it appeared. I go where the arrow wants me to go. It’s supposed to be video. I was sitting there racking my brain, what I should do next because the video’s not there to tell me what to do next. Refreshed one more time. It worked, watched the video. Apparently, to activate my account with Vick, I have to purchase a $19.95 affiliate account. I grimaced, I can literally feel the throbbing pain of my bank account. 😦 I’m hoping my credit card will come in soon. Empower Network is very good at glamouring people.

I got some sleep in and woke up. I go to the post box. Alas, the credit card is not in my box. fudge. I go back in my apartment. How I’m going to start without the affiliate account? I remembered, I had a Jackson stored away online. I got the affiliate account, TOTAL COST: $25 membership fee and $20 affiliate “merchant” account, both are per month is $45 a month. That’s a gym membership in some places. I watched a couple of videos, for some reason, I don’t like the David that isn’t Sharp, I think last name Wood’s voice. Both are skilled salesmen. It was kind of funny when Wood talked about Sharp’s beginnings, overcoming major personal obstacles. Sharp was like, “Did you really have blab about my business to the masses” side eye look. Wood was like, “I came from a van!” Anyway, I learned the Inner Circle is their $100 product. Errr…..I’ll have to make sure that $100 is not taken out of my account. Vick’s 10k-30 day challenge is only for Platinum & Diamond membership. Annoyed, but that’s what he meant by “getting all in”. All is not loss, I’m going to try that challenge anyway, even though I’m just basic membership.   I wonder if I can change my team…..

The information that you find at the Basic level, can be found here for free: Although there’s more stuff on warrior than Empower Network and it’s not pleasing to the eye at all, if you search for those golden nuggets of information on, they can help you get the income you’re looking for.

For those who don’t know about Empower Network, and please correct me if I’m wrong, sells products that help you improve your current marketing scheme. You can either be a consumer or an affiliate. Or you can be both. The difference with Instant Payday Network and Empower Network pay structure, is that Instant Payday Network pays you a one time fee for a referral (now that I think about this, do affiliates get paid by the unique referral or how many trials/credits complete the unique referral does?). At Empower Network you can residual income from your team of bandit (I kid)….your down-line (people working beneath you) team members. If you ever worked with Primerica or Amway, the pay structure is like them.

I was cruising on Facebook today, trying to figure how to run some ads on it, when I cam across this video:

WordPress won’t let me embed this video.   I even lost some of my post.   Anyway, it was a dude who was using a program to add followers/favorites/retweets to his twitter page.   I was in awe.  Quite honestly, I thought it was pretty shady.   I guess internet marketing you gotta do what you gotta do despite walking on thin line of what’s ethically vs foul.   If it isn’t you, then some else will take that opportunity.   What do you think?
Instant Payday Network Update:  No ads today.  25-26 unique visitors with 3 new contacts.   1 of them actually opted into

P.S. :  There was mad people at the Big Idea Mastermind webinar.   There were 4,000-5,000 people in the lot I was in, but apparently there was roughly 14,000 people sitting on the webnair.   The turn out was amazing!

Instant Payday Network Day #6

Just as I was opening my blog to post my daily rundown, I got the 10 follows badge!   Thank you everyone!   Thanks for the support!    🙂   Quite honestly, it really feels great and helps me push on.  I hope through my own words, it’s helping you too. I’m still on 101 Strategies to drive traffic list.   I decided to pay for something….. 😦  I was really gun hoe about not dropping any money in this journey, but I gave in.   $3.99 GoDaddy Domain name.   I couldn’t go through posting links with random ads attached to them.    I learned how to mask my affiliate link via Youtube:

I got through most of the Classified sites that this chick posted and here they are:

  •  (obviously has the most well-known, but this is saturated with work @ home ads.  Posted 3 ads locally)
  •  (I didn’t really understand this.   It was talking about .xml. and using it to post ads with it.  I got no time for that right now.  I had deadline.)
  •  (I’ve heard of before.  To my surprise there jobs and no work @ home ads there.   It seemed legit, and you could probably try to reach out to other states.  It doesn’t seem like you would have to verify your account to post in other states.  I haven’t tried it, but will probably do it tomorrow.   I posted an ad up there.  )
  •  (This place did not have a job section.  I tried, but couldn’t find a direct link to the section)
  • (At least craigslist attempts to be organized. This doesn’t, it’s really not pleasing to the eye)
  •  (website no longer in service)
  •  (she duplicated this for a reason)
  •  (It’s British, but it’s not free!)
  • (I think it’s an extension of Facebook Market.  The jobs section, at least the business opportunities section had only home @ work opportunities.
  • (I don’t many people look at this site as its posting counts are pretty low and it has a cramped feeling.  Everything is so squished together, almost like the webmaster is getting charged every millimeter of space used on the page)
  •  (The site doesn’t work anymore).

I was on, trying to create another ad before the Vick Strizheus’ Big Idea Mastermind Live webinar.  Honestly, I was very laizze faire towards it.  I just wanted to know some tips from the pros on getting more exposure.   It started really slow, but it picked after Vick Strizheus’ stopped talking, where he allowed other people to talk.  Dude can talk, often non-organized fashion.   When people on his panel were dropping some golden nuggets of tips, that’s when I really got into the vibe.  I wish it was more moderated, and condensed the presentation from 3 hours plus to 1 hour.   He would have captured and kept more people’s attention, thus maximizing his sign-ups.   I’m believing in Empower Network’s hype.   I came out of it with a new purpose.  I was going to do something similar, administer a challenge….obviously not with the prizes, but I’m still brand new and I don’t have much of an audience.   He and his panel were very effective.   I didn’t think I was going to go in and drop $25.00, but it will only be for one month though.   If I don’t make money within the 10k 30 day challenge, or get back my $25.00 initial investment, I can’t continue.   I’ll have to cancel and try it again when I have the money to continue.

I missed the midnight mark.  Sorry!  😦  I know, I have to try to get this in earlier.

Update:  Woahooooo.   Checked my stats.   Yesterday Sept. 5:  12 unique visitors:  2 opt ins.   Today, so far:  3 opt ins….but no unique visitors….weird….I like the stats, though!